KOTA Longboards might be the new kids on the block, but they’ve already demonstrated a penchant for crafting high performance longboards with a refined style. Taking inspiration from the historic military aircraft flown by the intrepid Knights of the Air, the team at KOTA has developed a series of all-around rides that are smooth, responsive, and supremely fun.
On Performance and Design…
KOTA sent out a fully loaded SPAD XIIIRickenbacker Edition for us to put through the paces. Both literally and figuratively, this board is as smooth as a slipstream – and there’s a reason for that. The KOTA team is composed of military aviators who flew everything from Navy F-14 Tomcats to USAF F-117 Stealth Fighters to Army Blackhawk helicopters. That’s a crew of experts that understand precision power combined with innovative design leads to superior performance.
Ready to satisfy your need for deep soul inspiring turns, the SPAD XIII is a highly flexible board packed with energy and massive maneuverability. Wherever your destination may lie, the long wheelbase makes for a stable, laid-back ride and comfortable cruising every time out. On parking structure bomb sessions, there was never a single speed wobble, never one control issue. On the official “Fun Scale” of one to ten, this board is a definitive 15.
The American Hard Rock Maple deck is a beautiful combination of both camber and concave that helps pre-load the board for quick, springy response when carving. Admittedly the high level of flex through the body of the board takes some getting used too, but the resulting highly energetic ride is undeniable. There are currently five longboards sitting in the Gumption Gear Review garage, and the KOTA Longboard Spad XIII might just be the best carver of them all.
As with all Kota Longboards, the Spad XIII features the unique KOTA grip clear-gripped deck that lets the custom handcrafted deck shine through for classic style that is a legitimate head turner. This is the one board that has sparked more questions and conversations than any other board in our arsenal. Then again, what else would you expect from a beauty that’s handcrafted in the U.S.A.?
Notes from the Road…
There’s no doubt that the joy of cruising to class, carving backcountry roads, surfing down sidewalks is plenty of reason to jump on a longboard. But for outdoor enthusiasts and athletes alike, there’s even more reasons to love the exceptionally smooth flowing ride of the SPAD XIII.
Our team of runners and speed hikers have come to rely on the longboard experience as a prime method for helping our minds and bodies recover after long training sessions. Due to the inherent nature of longboarding – bursts of intense exercise interspersed with periods of more moderate exertion – riding also helps develop the ability to dynamically stretch and flex muscles.
The result of this type of physical exertion is that the body starts to move more efficiently and powerfully, and that can pay dividends in the rest of your athletic endeavors. And here you thought longboarding was just about a bit of mental escapism on blue sky days with the wind rushing past your face.
Bottom Line…
They say that life isn’t about the destination, but the journey that gets us there. If that’s the case, then KOTA Longboards has just ensured that the journey is well worth the while.
*Gumption Gear Review received the items featured in this review from KOTA Longboards at no cost and receives no monetary compensation for this or any related review. The items featured were provided solely in return for our honest views and opinions.