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Review: The Moji 360™ Massage Kit

posted by gumptiongear October 1, 2012 0 comments

Massage Therapy. Professional athletes and weekend warriors swear by it. After workout massages can have definitive benefits – reducing heart rate and blood pressure, increased circulation, reduction of muscle tension, and the ability to help keep the connective tissue flexible and pliable thereby reducing the risk of injury.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to visit a massage therapist after each workout or race.  Enter Moji’s 360™ Massage kit.  The portable solution that might be just what you need when your muscles need a little TLC.

Since 2007, Moji has been designing pain relief and recovery products with one simple goal in mind: Enhance the lives of individuals by helping to keep them active and pain free.

With all of the pings and pains our Gumption Gear crew has accumulated over the last year competing and putting gear through the paces, we were thrilled with the opportunity to use and review Moji’s massage kit.

On Design and Performance …
When it comes to massage products, there’s an array of options available to the consumer.  However, Moji’s 360™ Massage Kit differentiates itself with an innovative design with real world functionality that takes dynamic self-massage to a new level of performance.

While other products (ie rollers and massage sticks) work in one direction, both the Moji 360™ massager and Moji 360™  Mini massager, utilize stainless steel spheres that rotate 360 degrees.

This unique 360 design allows the user to roll the massager across the muscles in any direction – up and down, side to side or in circles – depending on the muscle group and the type of massage desired. The direct benefit is not only a smooth rolling motion across the muscles that creates a relaxing massage, but it lets you target trigger points, or with more pressure, break up scar tissue.

To ensure that every muscle group is covered, no matter how big or how small, Moji’s 360™ Massage kit includes both its larger 360™Massager for large muscle groups and its mini massager to pinpoint those small, difficult to reach areas.

Pushing the design of self-massagers into the 21st century, Moji’s larger 360 Massager provides an ergonomic, non-slip grip that helps users take advantage of its Tri-Zone technology – different sized spheres arrayed in specific patterns allow you to vary the intensity and to work on different depths of penetration depending upon which area you want to massage. Aided by the long levers, the biggest spheres found on the ends of the massager penetrate the muscles the deepest, for those areas needing trigger point or deep massage.

The mini-massagers packs big relief into a small, and highly portable package.  Measuring just 6” X 3” this flexible hand-held massager is great for use on smaller body parts, and working around boney areas.  Best of all it’s small enough to carry with you on a daily basis for quick soothing relief either during work or after a strenuous crossfit session.

Since most of us are not expert massage therapists, Moji provides numerous how-to videos made by those you are to help you get the most out of your product.

The Critique …
While both massagers performed flawlessly, our Gumption Gear gurus had one issue with the mini massager; the lack of adjustability. Those with larger hands may find the mini massager slightly restrictive – but not enough to warrant any difficulty in use. That being said, in future iterations, we’d like to see greater adjustability of the mini’s strap.

Bottom Line …
You earned those weary and achy muscles… now reward your body with the benefits of a massage without the ambiance or expense of a professional masseuse.  Moji’s 360™ Massage kit will help massage those stubborn, aching muscles into a relaxed submission time after time with ease helping your body recover and relax.

Manufactured by Moji, the Moji 360™Massage Kit is available for $69.95 from

*Gumption Gear Review received the Moji 360 Massage Kit from Moji at no cost and receives no monetary compensation for this or any related review.  The items featured are provided solely in return for our honest views and opinions.