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Go Further Faster: The LOWA S-CLOUD GTX®

posted by gumptiongear March 14, 2013 0 comments


Go Further Faster: The LOWA S-CLOUD GTX®

Some days require that you fill up your hydration pack, grab some snacks, and head to the treeline for some reflective time. For those days, increase both your comfort and your time away from the hustle and bustle of city life when you break ground with the LOWA S-Cloud GTX.
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Gear ReviewsGo HikeGo Outdoors

Less is More: The KEEN Tunari CNX

posted by gumptiongear March 12, 2013 0 comments


Embracing the less is more movement, KEEN has officially taken their innovative approach to footwear and applied it to the minimalist frontier.  With the introduction of the new KEEN CNX collection, KEEN brings their unique style and fresh thinking to lightweight footwear while never losing sight of the traditional KEEN fit and protection.  Think of it as minimalist footwear with a KEEN flare.

Whether it’s freedom of movement, or a pair of shoes to keep stowed for when bare isn’t possible, consider the Tunari your getaway from ordinary shoe. Lightweight with a low heel drop and light internal support, the Tunari puts your foot in a more natural position and eliminates the bulky feeling caused by traditional, heavily cushioned hikers or trail running shoes.  The result?  A durable and versatile minimalist multi-sport shoe ready to help tackle all of your Spring and Summer adventures.

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Gear ReviewsGo HikeGo Outdoors

Review: Northern Lites Elite Snowshoe

posted by gumptiongear March 7, 2013 0 comments



Whether your winter foray involves a day of casual hiking, or an aggressive assault on the untouched backcountry, you don’t need extra weight bogging you down when speed and fluidity are a viable alternative.  Northern Lites offers a full range of snowshoes ready to get you deep into the wilderness with efficiency and comfort.
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Gear ReviewsGo Run

TrekSta Sync Trail Runner

posted by gumptiongear March 5, 2013 0 comments


Treksta Sync Trail Runner

Whether you’re conquering a peak, running along the local levee, or simply out to prove a point to your run partner on the trail, the new TrekSta Sync Trail Running Shoes are ready for the ride.  Offering the comfort and protection you need along with a smooth and responsive ride, these shoes are about to crush any excuses you had in mind for  not hitting the trail.

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Gear ReviewsGo HikeGo OutdoorsGo Run

Review: Headsweats® Toaster Beanie

posted by gumptiongear March 4, 2013 0 comments



If a little cold, snow, and morning frost isn’t going to keep you from running outside, you’ll want to ensure that you’ve got the right equipment on hand.  An essential part of any good cold weather run ensemble is appropriate headgear— but not just any old beanie will suffice. Even on brisk Spring mornings, it’s a tricky thing to be sweating out in the cold, so you’ll need something to keep you warm, dry, and comfortable.  Enter the Headsweats Toaster Beanie.

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BlogGo HikeGo Outdoors

Go Fast, Go Bright: KEEN Verdi Mid Hiking Boots

posted by gumptiongear February 28, 2013 0 comments


KEEN Verdi Mid Hiking Boots

Your future on the trail is looking bright!  The Verdi Mid Waterproof hiking boot from KEEN is a rugged and versatile go-anywhere hiker.  It just prefers to go there a little bit quicker than your standard issue hiking boot.

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Gear ReviewsGo HikeGo Outdoors

Ambler: Comfort, Warmth, Performance

posted by gumptiongear February 26, 2013 0 comments

When it comes to cold weather headwear, you don’t need a hat that has more technical innovation than warmth.  Nor are you looking for a hat that tells good stories on long drives.  Whether it’s Autumn, Winter or the cool nights of Spring, your top priority is making sure your family of outdoor adventurers stays comfortable and warm.  It just so happens that’s the same priority of Ambler, a company focused on crafting quality hats ready to take you from peaks to pavement and everywhere in-between.

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Gear ReviewsGo Outdoors

Review: The MSR Lightning Ascent Snowshoes

posted by gumptiongear February 25, 2013 0 comments

 02.15.13 Snowshoe Trip.2

Sure, you can spend your Winter and Spring Snowshoe excursions traversing well packed trails and gently rolling terrain. But there are times when the trail turns icy and vertical and you aren’t ready to turn back and head for home.

Your ambitious snowshoe itinerary might fall to pieces without durable, dependable gear like the MSR Lightning Ascent snowshoes.  Ready to withstand the frequent use and abuse of backcountry adventure while providing plenty of support for tricky terrain, these are tough snowshoes for tough conditions.

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Video: Inside Ouray Ice Park

posted by gumptiongear February 22, 2013 0 comments

The Ouray Ice Park (the Park) is a manmade ice climbing venue operated in a spectacular natural gorge just outside the town of Ouray, CO. It is home to more than 200 named ice and mixed climbs, most within a 15-minute walk of the Park entrance. The Park and its infrastructure are jointly owned and managed by the City of Ouray, the nonprofit Ouray Ice Park, Inc. (OIPI), and a mix of other private and public landowners.

Video produced and directed by Barry Stevenson, Outside Adventure Media.

Gear ReviewsGo OutdoorsGo Run

Gear Guide: Spring 2013 Trail Running Shoes

posted by gumptiongear February 21, 2013 0 comments

Spring 2013 Trail

For those who prefer long miles along winding mountain trails threading through thick forested slopes to the monotony of city streets, you’ll want to check out these great new technical trail shoes… then follow that dirt road towards the sunset.

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