An Autumn world now covered in a frenzy of reds and yellows will soon be blanketed in white, revealing a frozen world in which everything seems to stand still. As we patiently await the falling of freshies from the sky, today’s video will help stoke your desire to slay powder.
Review: Bottle Bright from Clean Ethics
So, you’ve kicked your eco-fail plastic bottled water habit, and made the switch to a reusable bottle. And while you’ve made a solid eco-friendly and financially freeing choice, there are a few downsides.
First, the very nature of a reusable bottle means that more often than not, your afternoon lemonade knows you cheated on it with a morning latte. Even worse, you may actually end up using more water to clean your bottle after you wash it with soap and proceed to rinse, rinse and rinse some more in hopes you aren’t stuck with that soapy water taste on your next hike, run, or ride.
Bottle Bright effervescent tablets provide a better solution for cleaning your drinking vessels and beverage containers. Manufactured by Clean Ethics, Bottle Bright cleans naturally, easily and effectively, so you’re left with nothing but the crisp clean taste of the drink you put in your bottle, and nothing more.