Gear ReviewsGo Outdoors

Hi-Tec Alpine Start Parka

posted by gumptiongear January 17, 2012 0 comments

Whether your sitting fireside watching flakes of snow melt mid-air into the campfire, or simply heading out into the cold winter morning, you want to be warm and comfortable.  Luckily for you, Hi-Tec has crafted the Alpine Start Parka, a good quality down that maximizes the weight to loft ratio without the expense of higher fill power downs.

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Gear ReviewsGo RunGo Tri

The ashmei Ultimate Softshell Running Jacket

posted by Gumption Scott January 12, 2012 0 comments

Your alarm clock goes off at o’dark early and with a few weeks left until your “A” race you can’t afford to hit the snooze button. So you roll out of bed, rub the sleep from your eyes and tumble into your run gear to face the cold morning chill. Sure, the only thing you have to do is run, but why not just stay in your warm comfortable bed?

Nothing puts a damper on your motivation to run like those cold, dark and windy mornings (or even nights for that matter). Not to worry, just slip on the ashmei ultimate softshell jacket and feel the excuses melt away.

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Gear ReviewsGo Outdoors

Columbia Melting Point™ Parka

posted by gumptiongear January 11, 2012 0 comments

We shall not cease from exploration, and at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T.S. Elliot

There are moments in your winter journey you will be faced with a choice – turn back and return to the comfort of your roaring cabin fire, or push deeper. The Melting Point™ Parka  from Columbia makes that an easy choice, letting you continue onward into the backcountry with resolute confidence. Continue Reading

Gear ReviewsGo Pack

The Vixen™: Columbia’s Women Specific Do-Everything Pack

posted by gumptiongear January 9, 2012 0 comments

In an industry dominated by the male perspective, it’s always refreshing when a company takes time to craft a product designed specifically for the mountainista. As part of their new line of adventure packs, Columbia has released the women’s specific Vixen. Like its male specific counter parts, the Treadlite and Endura, the Vixen is designed specifically to provide freedom to roam fast and light without compromising on comfort or features.

So when the company offered our Gumption Gals the opportunity to test the Vixen backpack we jumped at the chance. Continue Reading

Gear ReviewsGo Run

Hoka One One Bondi B: Cushioned Bliss

posted by Gumption Scott January 5, 2012 0 comments

Currently in the running community there is a growing schism between the traditionalists and the minimalists – the haves (cushioning) and the have-nots (without cushioning). One camp shouts the wonders of minimalism while the other  touts the more traditional. Who are we to believe?

What if I told you that one company is pioneering a new philosophy in running by trying to merge some of the positive attributes of both camps, forging a completely different kind of shoe. With the goal of designing shoes for optimal performance, comfort, and efficiency Hoka One One has incorporated key performance traits found in well-cushioned footwear while also paying heed to recent footwear advances that aid in natural foot motion and efficient running mechanics. Would you believe it?

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Gear ReviewsGo HikeGo Outdoors

Columbia’s Hoodster Mid Outdry Boot

posted by gumptiongear January 4, 2012 0 comments

You awaken from your deep slumber to find a blanket of fresh white snow gently covering the wooded backcountry. To celebrate this winter wonderland you’ve decided to dawn your snowshoes and explore. You take inventory of your gear: Jacket – Check; Cozy Beanie -Done;  Snowshoes – Yup. Now there’s the question of what boots to wear. No doubt you have a multitude of options when partnering your new snowshoes with boots.

Of course you could just slip into your summer hiking boots, strap on the snowshoes and head out. However, you’ll be more comfortable in a winter specific boot that provides better insulation and a higher cut than regular boots to keep the snow out. When we were searching for quality options the good people at Columbia® sent out a pair of their Hoodster™ Mid OutDry® for our field team to put to the test.

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Gear ReviewsGo Hike

The Jamison by Bogs Footwear: Comfortable Boots for Uncomfortable Situations

posted by gumptiongear December 29, 2011 0 comments

What if you dropped all of your preconceptions about what an outdoor boot should be. What if you left behind the notion that a boot must be either comfortable or completely waterproof.  Strip away the Nubuck leather, multi-directional lugs large enough to devour small critters; strip away the pretense of it all…

Instead, replace those notions with a single boot.  One boot that is truly waterproof, truly breathable and comfort rated from temperate to sub-zero conditions.  Enter the Jamison from Bogs Footwear.

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Gear ReviewsGo OutdoorsGo Pack

The Women’s Acadia Backpack from Overland Equipment

posted by Gumption Scott December 27, 2011 0 comments

Are you a gal that swaps the populated sidewalks for dirt trails on the weekend?  If you do, then you need a pack that can hold everything you need while allowing you to move swiftly in total comfort. And wouldn’t it be nice if that pack was tough enough for your adventures without sacrificing a feminine touch of style?  Enter the Acadia backpack from Overland Equipment.

Where to begin…. there is much to tell! Continue Reading

BlogGear ReviewsGo Outdoors

Hi-Tec Crack of Dawn Hoodie

posted by Gumption Scott December 19, 2011 0 comments

Rays of sun break across the mountains gently rousing you from another night of sleep at base camp. All that remains from the camp fire is cinder and ash as the brisk morning air fills your lungs. Shedding the sleep from your eyes you reach for the Hi-Tec Crack of Dawn Hoodie letting the warm goodness of 700 fill down insulation warm your day.

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Gear ReviewsGo Outdoors

Point6 Hiking Tech Medium Crew Merino Socks

posted by Gumption Scott December 16, 2011 0 comments

It has come to our attention that there are some out there still clinging to the folklore of false pretense surrounding wool socks. Like those clinging to the myths of the Minotaur, the Unicorn and the Lock Ness Monster some believe that wool is too hot, too bulky, too scratchy or just plain too old-school for a world of adventure.

If you find yourself in that camp then it’s our great pleasure to introduce you to Point6 and their 100-percent compact spun yarn.  You see, not all wool is created equal.  The Point6 compact spun yarn produces more merino fibers per inch thereby creating an incredibly soft end result that is never scratchy, itchy or bulky
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